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Showing posts from March, 2017


MOTHER OF HEALTH VAILANKANNI O Mary! Our Mother of Health, and our Heavenly Queen, seated on your Holy throne of mercy and compassion in your shrine at Vailankanni, we praise and honour you our refuge and our relief. Numberless are the sick, who through you, have recovered health. Relying on your Power and goodness we fly to you and implore you to heal our infirmities and to obtain for us perfect health of body and soul, that we may better be able to serve you and your Divine Son. At all the times, you have been the help and consolation of the infirm. You obtain for them health when it is the conducive to their death. Help us then, O most amiable Mother and obtain the cure from all our sufferings, or patience to endure them in the spirit of resignation agreeable to God‘s Holy Will, so that all our trials and suffering may help to purify...

Mother of Perpetual Soccour

PRAYER NOVENA ORDER OF DEVOTIONS  1. Invocation to the Holy Spirit 2. An Act of Contrition 3. One Our Father, Hall Mary, Glory for the Intentions of the Holy Father 4. Invocation to Our Lady 5. Summary of petitions and thanksgivings 6. Novena Prayers 7. Hymn-Mother Dear, O Pray for Me 8. Announcements and sermonette Silent Prayer 9. The "Memorare" 10. Exposition and Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament 11. Blessing of the sick 12. Hymn-Mary from thy Sacred Image 13. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament 14. Hymn-Mother Dearest Mother Fairest NOVENA PRAYERS 1.COME HOLY GHOST (Kneel)  Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest, And in our Souls take up Thy rest, Come with Thy grace and heavenly To fill the hearts which Thou hast made. V. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created; R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth. LET US PRAY  O God , who didst teach the hearts of Thy faithful people by sending them the light of the Holy Spi...